In thinking about my previous post about the dump throw and how it can vastly reduce the amount of unforced errors for an offense, I realized that I don't really understand Ds. Before I ask for your opinion, I think that it is useful to define our terms.
D - A turnover directly caused by a defensive player. Typically refers to a turnover caused by a field defender who intercepts or knocks down a throw. I will also use it to refer to a point block made by a marking defender.
Unforced error - A turnover that is not caused by a defensive player.
Mistake - a throw that the offense, if given the chance to do over again, would not make regardless of the actual outcome of the throw *.
*a horrible throw that ended up being caught by a receiver for a score after being tipped by several defenders would still qualify as a mistake.
Basically, I'm asking if the offense is ever not at fault when there is a turnover. Does the defense have any real agency? Or do they simply have to position themselves so as to best take advantage of offensive mistakes when they occur?
Inquisitive Horse wants to know your opinion.
I think the defense does have some agency. The offense certainly has secrets, but the defense can have secrets as well. The defense can mask to a certain degree, as well have unknown/untested speed. So you can make a throw you would (normally) make at least once or twice and get caught (then you learn you underestimated someone... fool me once, fool me twice, etc.) Anything after that should be classified as a mistake.